Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 1 breakfast

And so it has begun. The vegan AND unprocessed challenge. It's important to know that these are two separate disciplines I'm trying to stick to over the next 30 days with emphasis on staying away from processed sugars, oil and salt. You might think some of what I eat is processed like almond milk or whole grain wheat bread. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there is a grey area that allows for minimally processed food, whose main ingredients are from the whole plant based item.

Tip of the day: ingredients on packaged food labels are listed in order of quantity of ingredients used. So if the first thing on the list is sodium, you've got something whose primary ingredient is salt. Bad!

Today's breakfast was a delicious chocolate smoothie made from almond milk, 100% pomegranate juice, spinach, frozen bananas and blue berries, unsweetened cacao powder and a couple if other ingredients. I love that all I can taste is the chocolate! Let me know if you'd like the recipe.

I was starving before I made it but I'm good now. We'll see how long before I get hungry again. Stay tuned.

**Update: Following the recipe made 27oz (3.375 cups) at 8am.  It took me 3 hours to finish it; taking small gulps at a time.  It looks like I'll make it to lunch without a problem.  


  1. So far, so good, son, over the weekend we ate according to the plan, also we exercised, a 45 minute walk and 30 minute swim, and today Monday we are going to order a 50 pound bag of carrots and we will be drinking carrot juice on a daily basis, we have read that juicing is very beneficial for the body since it contains all the vitamins, minerals and most important the live enzymes so much needed for the renewal of the body cells, we have also tried fresh home made apple juice and also some other veggie juices, so that’s the plan. Good luck son, Love Dad
