Its 4:52 and I'm hungry. Lunch held me over as long as expected, a little over 3 hours.
Confession time to anybody out there who comes across this post. Every day around this time I go to the vending maching and get a bag of peanut m&m's, with few exceptions. Now I'm about to eat this overpriced mix bowl of fruit of which the only thing I can identify is the watermellon. I've never been big on fruit. I want to like this. Here goes...
I just saw that Chef AJ posted a link to your blog from her Facebook page and I am so excited to follow your journey for 30 days! I am trying to adopt many of her principles in my diet as well! Wishing you a great experience and great results!
ReplyDeleteThank you. It's nice to know somebody is out there! It helps keep me on track and accountable. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Feel free to point out any mistakes I'm liable to make along the way. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you for eating fruit! This is a good step in the right direction. Keep it up! The girls and I know you can do this!
ReplyDeleteYou motivate me son! I also need to work modifying my bad eating habits. Please share your favorite recipes.
ReplyDeleteThanks wife and Mom. :).
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!!! we are reading u!